Friday, September 11, 2009


I frequently have discovered that I do not know everything, so I bought books to try to cure this ailment. One such book had a chapter on Pavlov's experiments on dogs with ringing a bell, and then feeding the dogs. This developed a conditioned reflex, so that the dogs salivated upon his ringing a bell. Now dear readers, do not hold me to absolute accuracy, as this event occurred over 50 years ago.

I was on a flight from Seattle back to Boston, and reading about Pavlov's condition reflex experiments, when the stewardess's started serving lunch. This was in the day's when airlines served hot meals. The airplane had a center aisle, with two seats on each side. Since I was sitting in the aisle seat, I had to pull my shoulder in to allow the stewardess to pass by. On this plane the pantry was in the back of the plane, and she started serving those in the front rows first.

I could hear her coming so I would pull in my shoulder, and glance up at her as she passed by. She had a very nice wiggle to her derriere. On her way back from the front, I would glance up to let her pass, and appreciate the nice bounce of her bosom. Since I was reading about conditioned reflexes I realized what was happening to me. Each trip up the aisle became more amusing to me and I was laughing. She noticed, and stopped and said that must be a very funny book you are reading. I showed her the title, and explained that I was reading about Pavlov's condition reflex experiments. She said she was familiar with the experiments. So I said, you have no idea what you are doing to me. She hit me on the shoulder and went on with serving the lunch. When she got to my row she had three trays. Gave one the the fellow sitting next to me, and the other two to the passengers on the other side of the aisle. I was the last one to be served lunch. But, it was with a chuckle.

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